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gift enterprise中文是什么意思

用"gift enterprise"造句"gift enterprise"怎么读"gift enterprise" in a sentence


  • 附送赠品的行业
  • 附送赠品行业


  • The gift industry in china is both dynamic and chaotic , with a great market potential and a large quantity of low - grade products . faced with the increasing competition from foreign high - grade gift producers , the domestic gift enterprises are probing how to provide more medium and high - grade products and build more domestic gift brands
  • By expounding the characteristic of brand equity , this thesis puts forward the importance of building famous brands to enhance the competitive advantage of domestic gift enterprises . then , the brand strategies of gift enterprises are thoroughly discussed , which include , to increase brand awareness through brand communication campaigns ; to strengthen brand perception quality by keeping high quality during the whole stages of marketing ; to build brand loyalty and increase brand equity by enhancing the faith of existing consumers and attracting more latent consumers ; to create psychological advantage of brands through connecting the brand characteristic with interests of consumers . as for the application of the above strategies , distinct brand positioning and the integrated marketing mix based upon it are crucial
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